This was a pretty nice holiday plan - but I didn't stick to it.
Nope, no morning workout today for me, nor did I get an evening one in, as a buddy came by needing help with their macbook. I did what I could for them; later reports are that what we did together worked as a band aid solution and my permanent solution was also recommended by the fine people at Creative Technology. Seriously, they are a cool store, man.
Ate this;
Breakfast was salad and tuna about 10am.
Snack was black coffee, waluts
Dinner was steak and salad. Chicken breast, too. Rice, veggies on the side. LOOOOTSA of leftovers as both my wife and I were putting stuff on the table to eat.
Not a lot of calories on this day. Which is nice in that that means there are less calories to work off later.
Didn't do much in the way of reading today as most of the day I was confronted with small domestic situations I had to solve. Ah, it's joyful being a dad...
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